Some Reddit Research And Analytics Tools

Thanks to reddit’s open api, there are many reddit research and analytics tools that are useful for purposes such as analyzing subreddit growth, visualizing comment threads, monitoring keyword mentions, and more. My favorite recent finds are below.

Reddit Metrics displays subreddit growth data over time for over 370k subreddits. Its Non-Default Reddits filter helps remove the confounding subreddit growth variable of being featured on the front page header, and instead of growth from popular content and frequent mentions.

The Reddit Discussion Network Visualization Tool, made by Kawandeep Virdee, maps the trajectory of any post’s comment thread. The original poster is orange, with other colors designated for users who commented multiple times. Node diameter indicates upvotes.

Metareddit, in addition to some other features, has a free keyword-monitoring tool for reddit posts and comments. Since Google doesn’t track keywords within comment threads, this is an easy way to monitor brand mentions.

Vizeddit visualizes real-time engagement data for posts on reddit’s frontpage. It’s more cool than useful, but it’s cool.

Theory Of Reddit is a subreddit of professional and amateur researchers “inquiring into what makes reddit work.” Many new reddit research tools and studies are posted there.

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