Social Media News: January 30, 2015


TGIF! Check out this weeks’ social news.

Snapchat Discover

Snapchat Discover is a new way to explore stories from different editorial teams in one place.  It was designed from a collaboration with world-class leaders in media. Discover is built for creatives to showcase their stories beginning, middle and end.  Every 24 hours the edition is refreshed to show news of the day. To view editions tap, swiping left to browse snap editions, or swipe up on s nap for more.  This change has turned Snapchat from being a way for users to share personal stories and content to a platform that allows users to consume content. Discover gives marketers new opportunities they previously did not have within the platform such as new targeting placement. Source

WhatsApp Web Browser

WhatsApp released a web browser for application that is an extension of your phone. The web browser emulates conversations and messages from your mobile device to the web browser. To sync the web browser with your phone you must open and scan the QR code inside WhatsApp. Source

Vine for Kids

Vine has heard from its’ users how much kids love Vine, so they have created an app for kids. Vine Kids provides age appropriate videos for a young audience through animated characters. Source

Facebook Launches ‘Place Tips’

Facebook released a new feature for Places called ‘Place Tips.’ Place tips shows users more location-based data on the top of their news feeds along with surfacing richer content within their location. Place tips only works if you allow Facebook access to your phones location. Source

place tips

See you next Friday for more social news!

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