Social Media News: July 18,2014

Welcome back! Check out this week’s news.


Richer analytics with new Tweet activity dashboard

Twitter recently refreshed its tweet activity dashboard to show richer analytics of your tweets. Previously available tweet data was measured by the number of Retweets and favorites a tweet received.  Now, not only will you be able to see retweet and favorite data, but you will also be able to see various ways people are engaging with your tweets and impressions data.  With the new impressions metric, you will now be able to see what device the tweet was viewed on, how many times it was viewed, and total impressions on a tweet, along with an hour-by-hour breakdown for the first day of the tweet.  The new dashboard includes a 28-day period of total impressions.  Along with the impressions data, you can now see how people are engaging with your tweets. When you click on the tweet you are interested in seeing engagement for, a detailed breakdown will show clicks on links, clicks on hashtags, how many times a person clicked on the App card to download your app or open it if already downloaded.  Lastly, not only has the web interface been updated, the CSV export tool will show data for up to 2,300 tweets and includes the detailed breakdown of impressions and engagement. Source

Tweet Dashboard

Facebook Mobile Ads Manager

Facebook has now made managing ads easier when on the go with the mobile ads manager.  When using the Facebook app, marketers can now pause and resume campaigns, edit budgets and schedules, view insights and respond to alerts.  This feature will be available globally by the end of the summer. Source

fb mobile

Organic Tweet Analytics

Twitter introduces analytics for organic tweets. Now advertisers can see how many users view and engage on tweets helping them to optimize their content strategies. With the new tweet dashboard, advertisers can see how organic tweets are performing in real time; compare impressions, total engagements, and tweets month to month. With tweet details, advertisers can see how many retweets, replies, favorites, follows, link clicks and embedded media clicks each tweet reviewed. The CVS export tool will show not only promoted but also organic tweet data. Source

Organic Tweet analytics

Thanks for reading. Check in next week for the newest updates.

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