Social Media News: February 13, 2015

Happy Friday the 13th! Check out what’s happened this week in the world of social.RESPONSE_socialmedianews_021315-01 (1)

Facebook Multi-Product Ads

Multi-Product ads are now available in Power Editor.  These ads allow businesses to showcase three products within one single ad unit for desktop or mobile. Each product has its own image along with a description and click target. Multi-Product ads along with using custom audiences created from your website, will allow businesses to create a carousel of different items shown within the news feed.  Source

multi product

Pinterest App Pins

Pinterest now gives Pinterest app users on iPhones and iPads the ability to discover and download apps without having to leave Pinterest, through pins with Pin Apps.  For example, say I am looking for a new recipe, and I see a cook book app that looks helpful, I can tap install to download the app right to my iPhone without having to leave Pinterest to find the app. This is amazing for app developers because how many times have you saw an app that looked useful, but didn’t want to leave your current Pinterest search to download it. This helps not only users have a better user experience, but it helps app developers get more conversions. Source


Facebook Adds New Features to Sales Groups

Facebook is improving their For Sale Groups by adding new features for buying and selling. Members are now able to create Sell posts with a description of the product being sold, including price and pickup/delivery options. Members can also go back to previous posts to label them as sold or available. Source

sales groups

Twitter Adds Syndicated Promoted Tweets

Twitter has partnered with Flipboard and Yahoo! Japan to syndicate Promoted Tweets outside of Twitter.  Twitter syndicated ads will allow brands already advertising on Twitter to reach a larger audience on these partnership platforms with the same specific creative and targeting already used within their Twitter ad.  Syndicated Promoted Tweets gives advertisers new opportunities to create campaigns that provide amazing content, monetization opportunities for the partners, high ROI for marketers, and an overall great user experience. Source


Have a great weekend & a Happy Valentines Day! Check back next Friday for more updates.

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