Social Media News March 6, 2015

Welcome back and Happy Friday. Enjoy!RESPONSE_socialmedianews_030615-01

Twitter Partner Audiences

Twitter launched Partner Audiences so advertisers can now target ads to users who have shown dominant signs of intent to buy off of Twitter to increase receiving the highest possible ROI from advertiser’s campaigns. Partner audiences allow advertisers to connect with in-market audiences, customers that have previously purchased a similar product, or limit campaigns based on household incomes giving a more defined target for ads to be serviced to. Partner Audiences can be combined with other existing targeting options such as look- a-like audiences. There are more than 1,000 partner audiences from the Acxiom and Datalogix within Twitter Ads. Source

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Instagram Carousel Ads

Instagram announced a new way for brands to showcase stories through imagery with Carousel Ads which allows brands to share more images about a product or story they are sponsoring. Users can view ads by swiping left to see additional images along with the ability to include a CTA button linking to a website of choice. Source


Twitter Updates User Safety

Twitter is focusing on making sure its users feel safe. With updates to its safety policy, users can now report on content issues including impersonation, self-harm and sharing private or confidential information. These updates have changed the in-house reporting process along with the tools, processes, and staffing, increasing the amount of review times and support on handling abuse reports. Source

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See you next week!

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